Sunday, December 11, 2011

What It Takes To Make It Out There As A Gingerbread Girl

I have been looking for a Gingerbread Girl cookie cutter for years, as I am tired of just making Gingerbread Boys.  I finally found one last week and was so happy.  

Our house has been full of giant papier mache castle parts for several weeks now, as the Lone Star Girl works on her World History project (photos soon) and today they have finally been somewhat cleaned up, preparatory to taking them to school (in stages, as few of them will fit in the car at once) next week.

Now the Girl is filling the house with gingerbread cookies and sugar cookies for the Invisible Children bake sale their club is having and for holiday presents for friends and teachers.  My cookie cutters came just in time ... or so I thought.

I asked the Girl a few minutes ago if I could have a Gingerbread Girl that was cooling on the counter.  Her reply:

"Yes, but I gave them pants so they could survive in the business world."


Andrea said...

Ha! She makes me smile.

Saints and Spinners said...

Cool! The Girl is cool, too.

Somewhere in the basement, filed away in a box that says "Cookie cutters," I believe there is a girl and a boy cookie cutter set.