Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Cards

I got Christmas cards mailed today -  yay!  

I know it is probably too late for anyone to actually get them by Christmas, and I know that I am probably missing about 30 people from my address list to whom I would have liked to send Christmas cards and, well, the paint was still a little wet on some of them so the envelopes may look artistic indeed...

...but it's done!  And anyways....

Season's Greetings to All, whether or not I can find your address!  May Love and Peace be yours, now and always.


gojirama said...

You rocked. We haven't sent Christmas cards in years.

Lone Star Ma said...

I'd be inclined to give up the ghost, especially as bad as I am about getting it done, but we really like reading ones from other people and seeing their pictures and all.

Saints and Spinners said...

Merry Christmas! I appreciated your card. I've not sent out cards in yeeeearrrrs.