Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Remember how, after you had a baby, the thick lusciousness of hair that you had grown during gestation would fall out in clumps to form little hair tumbleweeds that blew into eddies among the piles of laundry while you sat nursing?

My hair is falling out like that, but I'm forty and haven't had a baby in more than seven years.  What is this about?


Saints and Spinners said...

Oy! I didn't notice the hair falling out after I had a baby, maybe because my hair was (is) so short. I am No Doctor, but I wonder if stress is having anything to do with the hair loss. That is what happens with my long-haired husband.

Andrea said...

Ack! That has been happening to me off and on for the last two years. I think it might be stress. I hate it.

othermother6 said...

re: shedding hair, here are a couple of tips. BIOTIN is a B vitamin and it helps keep your hair, fingernails and skin healthy. You need lots of it, esp. if your hair is shedding and if your nails are breaking. Poor diet, stress, and severe illness can cause it too. Try the biotin. It's cheap in the drugstore.

othermother6 said...

My email is not othermother6 any more. Lone Star Ma has my email address.