Monday, October 10, 2011

Autumn Gardening and Peace

More and more lately, I am relying on gardening as a sort of first aid for my mental state.  It soothes me more than anything except the sea and my responsibilities do not often give me time to sneak away to the beach.

I have added two lettuces, an arugula and a watercress, along with a replacement cucumber to the salad garden - and marigolds, of course.  It seems like a proper salad garden now, although the tomato plant is turning brown.  Plenty of tomatoes, though.

I have added a replacement zucchini to the vegetable garden - I have had no luck with zucchini so far.  My last few plants grew teeny, beautiful zucchini before shriveling up.  The sweet potato vines I planted have quite taken over the vegetable garden but I am uncertain as to whether there are actually sweet potatoes under there.  Soon it will be time to see.

After some perhaps questionable behavior on my part involving purple flowers, pollen and cotton swabs, my old eggplant plants are finally growing some lovely eggplant.  I guess eggplant growing is for grown-ups.

I planted two lovely boxes of marigolds for Love.

I planted another herb container - this one with two kinds of parsley and some dill.  Mainly because since the basils took hold in my other herb pot, they seem to want to be alone with the rosemary.  No parsley makes it in there anymore and even my once super-prolific oregano seems to be struggling.

I am also working on a little project that I am thinking of as the succulent nurseries.

It will never be Eden, but I come as close as I can, sheltering a little patch of urban Wild that also shelters me.


gojirama said...

I am so happy to hear that you find peace in your garden.

Saints and Spinners said...

The work of digging and delving is a restorative, and I am glad that you can scoop out pockets of time to do it.