Wednesday, May 18, 2011

More Fruitfulness

Today, I took off work because the Lone Star Baby had a half-day at school and needed to be picked up at lunchtime and has a violin recital early this evening that she needs to get dressed up for now.  These are the things I accomplished this morning before it was time to pick her (and a buddy of hers) up for lunch:

  • Parent-teacher conference at the Lone Star Baby's school (multiplying fractions and reading at grade level 4.5 - I'm happy with our choice in schools for first grade)
  • Nurse conference at Lone Star Girl's school to check on allergy paperwork for next year/plan for getting meds home on last day of school
  • Dropped off patches and permission slip, etc. to the mom of a Daisy who missed our last meeting
  • Mailed off the donations that the Daisy troop collected for Japan
  • Turned in permission and payment for Lone Star Girl's Leadership Institute at the Girl Scout office
  • Purchased supplies for my Girl Scouts who are Bridging to Brownies (oh, the vests!) and Seniors, etc.
  • Went to City Hall and got the Lone Star Girl signed up for summer swim league and found out when sign-up for swimming lessons and lifeguard trainings are.



Saints and Spinners said...

Yay for fruitfulness! How did LSB feel about the recital?

Lone Star Ma said...

She had fun! They were so cute!