Sunday, June 28, 2009

He Loves You

Today (when I was not helping the Lone Star Baby send off for caterpillars to raise into butterflies or ride her new bike and when I was not taking the Lone Star Girl for a walk and when I was not taking both kids out for ice cream/frozen yogurt and when I was not playing board games with them) I cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom, swept the house, cooked a nice dinner, made brownies ... I even separated out the particular type of flatware that my husband prefers into its own special compartment in the drawer like he always asks, a request that the Lone Star Girl and I tend to meet with amusement, but not compliance. Lone Star Pa and the Lone Star Girl think I have been replaced by a skrull.


Andrea said...

Wow! You're energetic! The sun must be shining on you.

Lone Star Ma said...

Yup. Really makes a difference.