Monday, December 24, 2007


Yesterday, we baked Christmas cookies. I did, anyway. The Lone Star Girl wasn't that interested and the Lone Star Baby's interest waned rather quickly. I could have gotten all Little Red Hen about it,'s Christmas and I do understand their developmental levels. This is why we didn't break out the cookie cutters...we just made chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies with red and green M&Ms and snicker doodles ...all with boughten (a little phrase I picked up from Almanzo Wilder) refrigerator dough, too. At the Lone Star Baby's age, the Lone Star Girl had the attention span for baking projects and Beverly Cleary novels...the Lone Star Baby does not. She has her own interests ...mainly tantrums.

When the cookies were done, we set containers of them on doorsteps of near neighbors, and set out containers of oranges and grapefruit from our trees for the neighbors we thought would like that better. It was fun, and a nice way to be together and outside. One of my favorite holiday traditions.

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