Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bad Budget and Bad Education Bills Passed: Get Ready For 4 Very Bad Years

The bad stuff all passed.  The only good news is that Representative Diane Patrick got an amendment on for Sunset in 2015 (she wanted sooner but it did not fly) so the changes do not have to be permanent, but we are looking at 4 very bad years -

  • 4 billion in cuts to education over the next two years and more in the two years after
  • The right to furlough teachers for up to six days and the destruction of the teacher pay scale (no floor)
  • Destruction of due process in teacher terminations
  • Destruction of the ability to use seniority when laying teachers off so that now teachers approaching retirement, who have spent their lives education our kids,  can be laid off to save money...
It's bad.  Corpus' own Senator Hinojosa was one of two Democrats who broke rank and voted with the Republicans on this horrible budget.  I will never vote for him again.


Saints and Spinners said...

This is bad. I'm sorry. How on earth do people think that children will grow into thoughtful, educated adults? Magic? Prayer?

Lone Star Ma said...

I think the problem is that our legislators don't care what happens to most of the public or their children - they only think that the wealthy have value. Therefore they do not believe in public education.