Sunday, April 03, 2011

Daisy Girl Scout Clover Award/Girl Scouts Forever Green Projects & A Pet Parade

Friday night our Daisy Meeting had some Brownie visitors to do an activity with us and teach the Daisies about Brownies, which they are going to bridge to at the end of the school year.  The Brownies really rocked - they are wonderful kids.

The older girl troop taught the little ones about reducing plastic waste and showed them how to make re-usable cloth bags out of t-shirts.  Then, the little girls made posters about reducing plastic waste that they can take to their schools with which to teach their classmates about the issue.  Reducing plastic waste is part of the Girl Scouts' 100-Year Initiative: Girl Scouts Forever Green.  The Daisies are also using their efforts to reduce plastic waste as their Clover Award project for their Between Earth and Sky Journey.

Today, the Daisies took their pets to the nursing home that we visit and had a little pet parade.  They were very sweet, showing all the people their pets.


Andrea said...

How great--I love how the girlscouts are so involved in "green" projects...what a wonderful seed to plant in so many young girls' hearts.

Lone Star Ma said...

They even teach us in camping training to make small fires - "not those big, polluting ones like the Boy Scouts make".