Tuesday, July 08, 2008

San Antonio Adventure

We met up in San Antonio on Monday and delivered the Lone Star Niece to her daddy and sent the Lone Star Girl on with him to be taken to Lone Star Pa's mom in Denton for a few days. The Lone Star Baby was desolate. It was hard to tell whether she was more upset about being parted from her cousin or from her sister. She didn't even cry or fuss, just sort of shrunk and became amazingly tragic looking, clinging and quiet and sad. I got into the backseat to sit next to her and pat her while we drove. We decided to try to find the Riverwalk and see if an adventure would cheer her up - and it definitely worked!

We went to the mall that opens onto the Riverwalk and then went walking around the river. The Lone Star Baby really liked it and wanted to walk the whole hike herself and not be carried at all. We had lunch at a restaurant right on the river and sat right by the water, breaking tortilla chips into bits to feed to the bold ducks that swam right up for them.

The Lone Star Baby loved it.

I thought she would enjoy feeding the ducks for awhile, but she probably stuck with it for a good two hours, squealing with delight the whole time. There was even a flock of ducklings that came to eat with their mother for a long time and also a duck with a damaged bill to which she payed special attention.

I am used to the feeling when out with a small child that one must hurry things up a bit after awhile and get out of there before the inevitable meltdown happens...this adventure was in another world from that feeling. The Lone Star Baby could have stayed there forever. After awhile, though, there was a rigorous and sustained cloudburst and we had to make our way quite a ways in the rain back to the mall and our car. She totally enjoyed the rain walk, too. She was an angel the whole time. It was lovely.

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