So Loki went missing just a few days after we let him have the run of the yard. He seemed to be happy and thriving and to know which yard was ours and we found no tragic remains, so I expect he just went home with someone else, being too small to wear a collar. It is too bad, but we aren't crushed or anything...just petless.
Yesterday we saw a family on a walk with two pygmy goats! Strangely enough, I have often wondered about having a pygmy goat as a pet. They were way, way adorable and she said they were very sweet and affectionate and got along well with her two-year-old and were fine in the backyard (they can't get over a fence like kittens can). She said their only drawback as pets is that they really don't potty-train. I asked her if they need as much attention as dogs do, because we work and all, and she said to get two and it would be fine. She said she has friends who are getting out of goat farming and have babies to sell cheap.
The girls loved them. I'm intrigued. What do you think?
I want a goat and Bede says NO. There is a petition going around to allow goats as pets in the city, and while Bede signed the petition, he still says NO.
I would be the happiest woman in the city if I had a goat.
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