Friday, November 18, 2005

Congress Passes Over 50 Billion Dollars in Cuts to Social Services

These would be cuts to things like foster care, which have already been cut to the bone. Who thinks that fewer safety nets are what the children of this nation need...less food, less shelter, having to be left alone or in horrible childcare settings because there is no affordable, high quality childcare and little assistance for it, more abuse and neglect? Congressional Republicans think so. Expect higher crime rates and get ready to fund more prisons. That is what you will receive.


gojirama said...

Amen sister. I am sickened, sickened too.

Lone Star Ma said...

But it didn't pass! Everyone said it would but some Republicans joined the Democrats in the eleventh hour! Not that what is passing is good, but go rebel Republicans! Woo hoo!

Lone Star Ma said...

No, wait. It was two bills..I'm trying to put it all together. The awful one did pass and another awful one didn't...22 Republicans joined with the Democrats to defeat it, so that's good...but everything still really sucks...