Monday, October 29, 2007


Storytime was fun tonight, as it usually is. The Lone Star Baby's favorite parts are always the fingerplays - the little rhymes done with small finger motions. She's in a particpating mode right now but has had long spells before when she would not join in most of the singing, dancing and hand motions. Even in those times, she was always drawn to the little fingerplay rhymes...always since her earliest toddler days. She loves them.

There is one fingerplay that is almost always done at the PJ storytime we go to, about a baby taking a nap. The index finger is used as a baby...everyone, including the librarian, has always used the index finger. Except my Lone Star Baby. She always holds up her pinkie finger for the baby and gives me a superior look. Occasionally she mutters something about that being the baby finger. She just knows she is right. It is so cute.


  1. I wonder if the LSB would like one of our family toe-plays. Here's how you do it:

    Take one baby foot and count off from the biggest to the smallest-- Here's the mommy toe and the daddy toe and the sister toe and the brother toe and the BABY TOE!

    Other side: Here's the grandpa toe and the grandma toe and uncle Toto and auntie Toesina and cousin TOBY!

    Lucia's favorites are the baby toe and Auntie Toesina.

  2. Sounds like she would! Thanks! I'll try it!
