Monday, October 29, 2007

Getting Ready for Halloween/Scouting for Future Sons-In-Law

Yesterday was a getting-ready-for Halloween sort of day. We used a Mr. Potato Head kit of plastic parts to turn our lumpy, bumpy red-orange gourd "pumpkin" into a Pirate Pumpkin (argh!) and carved a simple jack-o-lantern out of our more normal orange pumpkin. The Lone Star Girl scooped the guts out of the pumpkin and then did a very thorough and grown-up job of preparing the pumpkin seeds (but for a few we scattered for growing) for roasting - sadly, I accidentally burned them.

In the evening, the four of us went to a multicultural Halloween/Day of the Dead festival at the local Unitarian Church which was very nice. I keep trying to convince the Lone Star Girl that the absence of nice Quaker boys in our city means that she will need to meet some nice Unitarian boys eventually (there being no Mennonite or Brethren boys around that I know of either). She says she plans to meet boys at Star Trek conventions. Sigh. The joys of the season.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, Star Trek Con? I know a nice boys she might meet at such a place. :)
