Wednesday, October 31, 2007


At 7:40 in the morning on October 31, 1995, my Lone Star Girl was born - ten days before her due date and after a long labor. She weighed in at 8 pounds and 5 ounces and stretched to 20 and a fourth inches long. She was a sweet and beautiful baby.

Now she is twelve years old. She is a bold an beautiful young woman. I can't truly remember her little baby face without mixing real moments with is amazing how fast it goes, until the years are like a fuzzy dream gone by.

This morning we woke her with a yarn to follow to her presents as is our custom. We gave her a couple of DVDs and books and a spiderweb pillowcase and a small giftcard and a towel for drying your hair. She was very excited about the Kiki Strike book I got her as she had not known the second one was out.

The Lone Star Girl is having a slumber party this weekend. Today, I stuffed her lunchbox with cards and stickers and Lone Star Pa, who took the day off, had lunch with her at school. I picked up her favorite fast food on the way home from work, and Auntie Jazz, my dad and stepmom came over for ice cream cake after trick-or-treating. It was nice.

Happy Birthday, Baby. My Grown-Up Girl.

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