Sunday, December 19, 2010

Great News And Terrible News

While not a fan of the military in general, I want to give them a big hand for making it clear to Congress that, overall,  they do not support bigotry against gays in their ranks.  I am very happy about the repeal of DADT - it is a step in the right direction towards full human rights for all people in our society.

Unfortunately, the Senate cared less about undocumented minors who have spent their lives in our nation, pledging allegiance to our flag every day in school, learning to be proud to be Americans.  Even though they had no control over the fact that their parents brought them here illegally and even though this is the only country they know, the failure of the DREAM Act leaves undocumented minors with no path to citizenship, but nowhere else to go.  It's a tragedy ... a slap in the face to our history as a nation of immigrants and to the Statue of Liberty and the stirring words of Emma Lazarus inscribed on its base.


  1. I am just heartbroken about the DREAM act. :(

  2. Awesome blog! from a blue spot on the red state of Indiana. Thanks for your insights... and have no fear... the jerks in this world have only one way to go. Racism, bigotry, and all the rest will get voted down (even if it is funeral by funeral.) Thanks.
