Sunday, December 19, 2010

Crazy Mornings

We've had some crazy mornings lately.  On Thursday, as I was dropping the Lone Star Baby off at her school in the morning, the Lone Star Girl called me from the Natatorium at the end of swim practice, saying she was having sort of an asthma attack and she had taken her inhaler but it seemed to be out and not really working right.  She didn't sound too bad on the phone and insisted it wasn't a hospital sort of attack (she was just kind of freaked because swimming had never brought it on before - running usually does), so I asked her if she would be okay to ride the bus back to her school and meet me there.  She said yes.  I half thought she would be fine by the time she got to school, but I zipped home, grabbed another inhaler and set up a sub. just in case, while calling to check on her a few times.  When I met her at the school, she wasn't scary-bad, but she did need to go to the doctor.  I gave her the new inhaler and that helped a lot.  I called the allergist and they said they were really booked and to take her to her primary care doctor since, with the inhaler, her peak flow was back in her green zone. 

I took her to school with me to get things set up for the sub. and had to get first period started before the sub. arrived, and then left to take her to the doctor.  The doctor said that there was a lot of breakthrough asthma lately and that she had a sinus infection (she'd been boogery a couple of weeks) that was triggering the asthma and that she sounded awful.  So we got lots of medicine and she's feeling better now, though still needing to use the inhaler for swimming which she doesn't usually need.

Friday morning, instead of swim practice, I was driving the Lone Star Girl to school to make up a test she missed Thursday before school.  I got in the drive-through line at the taqueria to get them breakfast for the car stuck there.  I was boxed in and for some reason the line took a supernaturally long time so we ended up running late-ish to all our drop-off points.  I dropped off the Lone Star Baby and dropped off the Lone Star Girl (I had meant to help her carry her virus cake in - more later on that- but had to leave her to manage on her own) and zipped to school just in time to not be late and to get my room ready before the bell.


Saturday morning was nicer.  We had to get up a whole lot earlier than I wanted to get up (after wrapping presents with Lone Star Pa late into the night) to take the Lone Star Girl to a swim meet, but she had to be there at 8 and it didn't start until 10, so after I dropped her off, I drove to the parking lot where they set up the Farmers' Market and sat in the car dozing and reading until it opened at 9am. I got to buy some beautiful vegetables before heading back to enjoy the swim meet. That was a nice morning.  And now we are on vacation!

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