Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Worst Swim Parent In World

That's me.  

I thought the Lone Star Girl had made it clear to her coach that our long-planned double-troop GS meeting Friday night would mean that she could not be in this meet unless the bus was taking them and bringing them back, but it seems this was not adequately made understood and now...

She is supposed to be there when we cannot take her on Friday and leave when we cannot get her and she got entered anyway so I told her to call the coach and say she couldn't go.  

The extremely sweet and tolerant coach was not happy and my daughter cried to be bailing on her.  I feel terrible about it, too. 

I am frankly getting pretty tired of running myself into the ground with all the things I am trying to be to all the people I am trying to be them to and still disappointing everyone. 


All right.  Enough venting.  Onward ho.


  1. You are doing so much! Your daughter had a sharp learning curve with the lack of communication. It's hard. But you are not the worst swim parent in the world.

    (I am! My daughter can't swim yet!)

  2. Thank you. You are not the worst swim parent in the world, either!

  3. I can think of lots of ways to be a worse swim parent...don't beat yourself will go on and everyone will forget about it. And damn the damn budget crunches that don't fund buses for school sports activities...!!
