Friday, November 19, 2010

Living La Vida Epi

Made two pharmacy trips after the Daisy meeting - one to buy new Epi-pens for the Lone Star Girl and one (after switching expiring Epi-pens for new ones in her school medicine tote and her purse) to take the old ones back to the pharmacy to be safely destroyed.  They look at me kind of funny when I do the second part, but it's the only way I can live with myself.


  1. R tried taking my nana's pills to a pharmacist to be safely destroyed (after she was in assisted living and no longer medicated herself) and they told him to flush them down the toilet. Argh.

  2. That is frustrating. Of course, an epi-pen wouldn't flush, but the pills are probably not a good thing to have in the waste water either.
