Wednesday, July 09, 2008

July Mamalit Pick: The Maternal is Political

I am instituting a new feature on this blog to go with my YA picks: Mamalit picks. Motherhood, as Brain,Child Magazine says, is worthy of literature. I believe this passionately. I am always on the lookout for good mama books - not parenting books, which I only rarely enjoy, being not such a fan of advice, but books, fiction or non, about the parenting life. Quality books. There are too few when compared to the advice spewing tomes, in my opinion.

This month's pick is The Maternal Is Political: Women Writers at the Intersection of Motherhood & Social Change, edited by Shari MacDonald Strong of Literary Mama. The title alone sort of capsulizes the main theme of my life and the book is just as amazing as I could have hoped. It includes essays by motherhood movement leaders from Moms Acting Up and The Mothers Movement Online, Texas writers like Marrit Ingman, national bestselling authors like Barbara Kingsolver and Anna Quindlen and extremely politically active mothers like Nancy Pelosi, Cindy Sheehan and the late Benazir Bhutto, among many others. The essays address our responsibility and calling as mothers to believe, teach and act. This wonderful book reminds us that we can make this world a better place for our children and all children if we work together and work hard. Read it.


  1. Hi Lone Star Ma:

    I assume that you are the same Ma from over on Mamaphonic? I read your post about your new target market goals: Brain, Child, Mothers Movement, Hip Mama, etc. I have actually been lucky enough to publish in each of those, plus a few others(although LMs standards remain a mystery to me). I wanted to encourage you to try sending something to the ladies over at mamazine as well, they do a lovely job.

  2. That's me - thanks. They are on my list!
