Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Breathing Her In...

Since the Lone Star Girl has been at her grandmother's, I find myself sneaking into her room every few hours and walking around or sitting on her bed. I am not snooping. I am just...experiencing her place. When the Lone Star Girl is home, her room is sort of her den these days and she does not like me to linger there. It is where she hides forbidden sugary drinks and puts laundry away badly and reads comic books when she's supposed to be's her space, and she needs it. I get that, but I also miss my little girl and am always in awe of my growing girl as she transforms more and more into a young woman every day, so I like to be in her room.

I like to see how she decorates and see what she has written and drawn in black sharpie on the walls we had painted yellow with pink trim when we moved into the house a couple of months before her fourth birthday. She would roll her eyes at me if she was here, so...sometimes...ironically...I have to take a few quiet moments when she is away to sit still and really breathe in the essence of her that lingers in her room. Such a silly, sentimental mama I am...

1 comment:

  1. Aw. My, the time goes so fast.

    I already identify with the comic books instead of sleeping and the laundry badly put away, lol.
