Monday, June 30, 2008

Cousin Camp, Day 3

Trip to explore and play at Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History, picnic at Heritage Park (followed directly by LSG's allergic reaction to an ant bite, necessitating trip home for emergency benadryl), playing games and dress-up and coloring the coloring house and a coloring book and phonics sheets inside, a much more satisfying spell of outside play chalking and playing in backyard, watching water men work on a busted main down the street until water turns back on, bedtime stories.


  1. I hadn't realized how close we are. This is Noemi from the Hermana, Resist zine. I've been wanting to take my kids to see the turtles and just veg out in Corpus. Any (cheap) recommendations?

  2. wait, um-do you publish 'Lone Star Ma'? might have the wrong person, sorry about that.

  3. Noemi! How wonderful to hear from you!!!! We are close by and I knew that - I have always thought of you. I don't know if there are any cheap places left in the world, honestly, but there are a bunch of seedy little motels on Corpus Christi Beach that I often fantasize about moving into, if you are anything like me. I could get you a list. I would say just come stay with us, but our summer of leisure is entering its family visits and doctor appointments and get ready to go back to work (we're teachers now) phase, so we might not be able to be hosts until next summer. STILL. I'd love to meet you!!!
