Monday, June 30, 2008

Bonus June YA picks

Some bonus YA picks before June is over!

Teen, Inc.
by Stefan Petrucha is a story about a teen who has been raised since infancy by the corporation responsible for the death of his parents. Old enough to become aware of more of the company's mistakes, he begins a dangerous effort to break away and fix things.

Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande is the story of a girl who is raised by extremist fundamentalist "Christians" but who starts thinking for herself and acting on her conscience at great personal cost when she sees her church behaving in ways that hurt people.

Little Brother by Cory Doctorow is the future-present story of a teen hacker who is in the wrong place at the wrong time during a terrorist attack and, after getting an all too personal dose of the Department of Homeland Security's abuse, starts an underground movement to uphold the Bill of Rights.

All three of these books, especially the last one, were excellent and thought-provoking. I checked them out of the library for me, but the Lone Star Girl snatched then up and read them in a snap, as they really spoke to her social conscience.

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