Saturday, May 10, 2008

Road Trip!

Yesterday evening, after school, Lone Star Pa and I loaded up the car with the children and some clothes and presents and made our way three hours north to San Marcos, home of the eldest of my three younger brothers and his alma mater - Texas State University. We spent the night in several hotel rooms, secured by my sweet step dad and filled with my folks, my sister and brother-in-law and nieces, my cousins and uncle and the closest family friend (youngest brother and sister and more friends were with Johnny in his apartment). This morning, we all attended Johnny's college graduation. He is going to be an elementary school teacher and we are so very proud of him. I am ten years older than he is, and it is still weird to think that these grown siblings are the same people as the babies I held in my arms - and that they don't remember much at all of those years that so shaped me and my love for them.

We had a lovely time with family and now we are home again.

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