Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope that all of the mamas who are reading this had a very happy Mother's Day! My sweet daughters made breakfast for me this morning and brought it to me in bed. They have been very sweet today.

I have long felt a leading to organize an annual Mother's Day Peace Festival for my community, but I haven't really had enough time in this season of my life to pull it off. This year, I decided, I would begin - with baby steps that I could handle - to start using Mother's Day as it was originally intended: as a day of activism by mothers for peace and justice. I spread the word on a time and meeting place (by a busy intersection after lunch/brunch time) for a Mother's Day Peace Demonstration. With the Lone Star Girl's help, I made signs that said "Another Mother For Peace", "Forget the Flowers - Moms Want Peace" and "Mothers Want Peace - Not Flowers" and we headed out. We got there first and, as expected, the Lone Star Baby didn't last too long before it was time for Lone Star Pa to take her home, but a couple of other committed souls joined the Lone Star Girl and I and we got a lot of appreciative nods from mothers and others who were driving past us. It was a very small peace vigil, but I felt good to finally do something about my leading and I know our Mother's Day of Peace will grow each year, so I am contented.

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Small steps are just as important as large leaps :). Glad to hear your protest went well-- I admire your initiative.

  2. Wasn't someone connected to the Girl Scouts involved with the creation of the American Mother's Day? Let me check... Nope. It was Julia Ward Howe, the author of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." Weird!

    Happy Mother's Day, anyway.:)

  3. They were both named Julia, though(:

  4. Well, not really - the GS one was Juliette - but they are both versions of the same name anyway.
