Sunday, May 25, 2008

Prince Caspian

I took the Lone Star Girl to see the new Narnia movie yesterday afternoon. It was pretty good. It has been five years since the last time I read Prince Caspian and it (as well as The Horse And His Boy) never really stuck in my head as well as the others, so I cannot much speak to how true it was to the text. I certainly do not ever remember Peter being such a whiney-butt or a romantic subtext between Susan and Caspian, but I might be forgetting. It was a good movie anyway, and I thrilled to see noble Reepicheep. We enjoyed it.

There are just scads of movies coming out in the next year that the Lone Star Girl and I want to see. It is almost enough to make me want to revive Daughter And A Movie, but I don't know. One good thing about braces is that movies are cheaper without popcorn!


  1. Your memory doesn't fail you. In the book, Prince Caspian is a boy, not a teen, so any romantic subtext between Susan and him would have been just icky. And Peter most definitely was not whiney. All of the Pevinsies are noble.

  2. I read another review that said this movie was extremely violent. You didn't find it so?
