Monday, May 26, 2008

Fancy Fingers

Last weekend, when we were busy, the Lone Star Baby asked me when she could get her fingernails painted. I had not given the matter any thought before, but if this was her heart's desire, I had no real problem with it. I told her we could do it the next (this) weekend. She was so excited. She spent the whole week squealing about it in anticipation and talking about the colors she would choose. On Saturday evening, when I had planned to do them, she fell asleep early and slept through, a rare occurrence. Yesterday, we finally painted her fingernails gold and her toenails pink and she was very, extremely pleased. It was nice to be able to do something so simple that gave this intense little person such pleasure.


  1. Fun! Don't tell Lucia, though. She'll get ideas. I've painted her toes, but told her that she could get her fingernails painted when she could keep them clean. I'm currently having to cut the nails short because she howls when I try to clean her nails.

  2. That sounds like a good rule to me. Here, I find a good bath generally sufficient to soaking the crud out from under nails - the LSB would never let me clean under them. And I bite the hers short when I remember - we are feral like that. However, I am going to have to go get some remover because the LSB and her dad and I just met at the door and she said that Senora M. says that nail polish is not for school. Oops.
