Monday, April 28, 2008


A little girl close in age to the Lone Star Baby, and perhaps a little older, was at story time tonight. She and the Lone Star Baby had that instant interest in each other that children sometimes will have and they sat very close to each other on the floor, trying to hold hands and mimic each other's gymnastics. The Lone Star Baby is very independent in most ways, but she definitely wants to be included when kids are playing and seems to have a feel for when she can be the Alpha-Baby and when, more often, she is an eager hanger-on, spending so much time in Montessori with friends who are a bit older as she does. When it was time for her favorite finger-play about A Baby, Ready For A Nap, she held up her pinkie finger to be the baby as she always has, with the same superior look at the rest of us poor clods who use the obviously unsuited index finger as our baby. Then she looked at her new little friend and switched to her index finger.


  1. That is sweetsad! How does "A Baby, Ready for a Nap" go?

    My daughter wants it both ways. She wants to imitate the babies and the big kids.

  2. Here is A Baby
    Ready For A Nap
    Lay Her Down
    In Her Mother's Lap
    Cover Her Up
    So She Won't Peek
    Rock Her 'Til She's
    Fast A-Sleep
