Saturday, April 26, 2008

April YA Picks

So that I won't get delinquent in posting monthly YA picks again, here are the best YA/Upper El books I have read since the last list:

  • For Now by Gayle Friesen is a sweet novel about a girl having a tough time in a blended family.
  • Beastly by Alex Flynn is an interesting modern teen take on the Beauty And The Beast faerie tale.
  • Waiting For Normal by Leslie Connor is an excellent book about an ill-cared for child which sort of falls into the foster child genre that I am a sucker for, but not quite. It is really good, but I do have one problem with it. I have noticed that it is part of a small rash of such novels in which the child being neglected by her flaky mother is saved by her well-meaning stepfather/father. May I just say that thngs rarely shake down like that in real life? Thank you.

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