Thursday, April 10, 2008


I went to visit some family last night after work, and my late Granddad's sweet doggie was jumping all over me before I got clued in that he was sticky because he'd just had a flea treatment. I had a pleasant visit with my kinfolk and it wasn't until I was almost home that my lip and tongue started burning. At home, I shucked my clothes and took a shower, and no matter how much I washed, the prickly burning seemed to intensify, and my eyes started burning, as well. I took some generic benadryl-type drug and called my stepdad and my mom in Dallas. Their medical advice was to take some more before I went to bed and call 911 if my throat closed, as I figured. I have always been a major hayfever girl - one thing I like about living in Corpus is that the tree stuff that gets me hacking is not abundant here - but I had never, ever had this kind of reaction before. Closest to it is that my eyes have always gotten stingy if I play with cats and then touch them, but this was quite distinct from that experience. It was sort of scary. I'm still alive and am better now, though.


  1. My goodness. My goodness. I missed this. You must be better because you're blogging. Gack!
