Thursday, April 10, 2008

Esteban El Plano

I wonder if Jeff Brown ever imagined, when he wrote Flat Stanley, the adventures that his character's namesakes would have with children for decades to come. Flat Stanleys were colored and then sent home with the Lone Star Baby's class in March, with letters of introduction and instructions to send them off to recuperate, and to then bring them back and tell of their adventures.

Of course, at Marigold's school, they say Esteban El Plano, because they only speak Spanish there.

We sent Marigold's Esteban El Plano on vacation to Mexico over Spring Break with a family in our Quaker Meeting. He came back with shells, coral, two baby coconuts, photos of himself on exotic beaches and at ancient ruins and some sugared tamarind. Marigold took him back on Wednesday to share his adventures. She said the class got to see the photos and coconuts and each got a shell and some sugared tamarind, as we hoped. Thank heavens we have friends who go on interesting vacations! With their help, I feel we did our part.

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