Saturday, November 03, 2007

Macintosh Apples and El Dia de Los Muertos

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings were all very foggy. It seemed appropriate for the three days that make up the holiday El Dia de los Muertos - The Day of The Dead - which culminates on All Souls' Day. Fog always seems to make everything more quiet to me somehow and it certainly adds to the feeling that the walls between the worlds are thin, part of the Celtic Samhain tradition, as well. Our grocery store has had macintosh apples for sale lately and I've been buying and eating them. They are delicious. Macintosh apples were my grandma's favorite variety of apple, and I cannot eat one without thinking of her. I have been thinking about her a lot this Halloween season, eating the apples and honoring her memory in my own silent way. I have also been thinking a lot about my departed friend Kay.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that November is evolving in our American consciences as a month specifically dedicated to remembering our dear ones' departures to the next world.
