Saturday, November 03, 2007

Slumber Party '07

The Lone Star Girl is in the midst of a slumber party to celebrate her twelfth birthday. She had actually talked me into inviting seven girls, but - thankfully, to my way of thinking - only three were able to come. I am told that one rich little girl's mom wouldn't let her come because she thinks we live in a bad neighborhood. We so do not.

The girls made english muffin pizzas and had ice cream cake (another one). Now they are watching movies. While we live in a perfectly nice neighborhood, we do have a small house and that makes the sort of getting-away-from/getting-out-of-the-hair-of kids thing that one might like to do at sleep-overs hard. The girls always bed down in the living room, where the TV is and where there is room to lay out sleeping bags and blankets. Lone Star Pa was not understanding when I explained that, after I got the baby to sleep, he would want to retire and leave the girl-minding to me this year, even though that is what he always does anyway. I explained that the girls are too old now for him to be around once they are in their jammies. He was offended, even though we both knew he would want to go to sleep by then regardless. I offered the analogy of me hanging around in a room of unrelated 11- and 12-year-old boys in my nightgown to help him understand, but his feelings were still hurt. I don't think he has any idea how things are changing...major Daddy Denial. And as it turns out, none of them really changed into jammies anyways. And he's asleep, of course.

For awhile, the girls were so quiet watching the second Fantastic Four movie that I thought I might go on to bed. Then they wanted popcorn, though. And then they started doing something with duct tape to the girl who had fallen asleep first. In a bigger house, I would never have known. In my house, I put a stop to such things. Now one is asleep, two are quietly watching Zoom! and one is still pretty wired. I think I'd better stay up a little longer.


  1. Happy Birthday, LSG! That's too bad about the rich girl's mom and the "bad neighborhood" comment. When the time comes for Lucia to have her slumber-party, we'll be in a similar (small house) boat. I'm glad you caught the duct-tape incident before it turned into a tear-laden disaster.

  2. So fun! And phooey on Rich Girl's mom.
