Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas!

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas! Ours was very nice. The Lone Star Girl still felt a touch under the weather, but she had mostly a great day anyway. We opened presents in the morning, then had brunch together. Then my dad and stepmother came over for a bit and we then went to my Grandad's house for a little while. Around and between these, the girls played with their new stuff and watched the Lone Star Girl's new copy of High School Musical and the Lone Star Baby's new Diego DVD. Also, the Lone Star Baby is learning to play Checkers.

The Lone Star Baby is at the age where her greatest joy was in the opening of the presents - she opened hers and all the others, too, since she liked it so much. She also seemed to derive a deep sense of self worth in throwing away all the wrapping paper. Lone Star Pa said she took it as a solemn duty. One of the Lone Star Girl's presents was a bunch of duct tape, in all different colors. Her new craft is making things like purses out of duct tape.

I must say that my favorite thing about our family Christmas is still the sweetness and generosity of the Lone Star Girl. She labors over presents for each of us, makes us beautiful things, spends her own money even though we tell her not to...and she is mainly excited on Christmas morning to see that we like what she has given us. I just love her.

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