Sunday, December 24, 2006

Cookie Eve

My baking duties for the season are about done. The kids have not been so into the annual sugar cookie mania this year - they are being difficult - so I have done a lot of solo cookie time today. My tour of duty began when I made over eighty cookies on Tuesday night after the girls were asleep for our Fifth Grade Winter Party contribution. Then, on Friday, the girls did help me make cookies for the two neighbor families we are closest to and with whom we get together before Christmas every year. We always exchange presents for the kids and I bring cookies for the families, while another family makes fudge. That get-together was Friday afternoon, so we got some of the cookie making done early for it. We all had a great time.

Today, however, the kids insisted on lolling around on the couch, acting like their colds were making them more miserable than they were (had I said the words "Barnes and Noble", I feel quite certain that they would have perked right up), so I made the cookies for the other four neighbor families we always take cookies to all by myself. The Lone Star Girl and Lone Star Pa got lippy about having to go out in the wet to deliver the cookie containers to the appropriate doorsteps, but they did not really want to wake my ire, so it got done. I also picked late grapefruit and oranges from our trees and made some deliveries of those. Last night, we did pretty much all of our wrapping, so we are in pretty good shape now. I am pushing for an early dinner out and a tour of lights, then back home for our traditional Christmas Eve.


  1. LSM! I used the email from your website to send you an invite when I locked my blog. Of *course* you're more than welcome on my site! Check your spam folder, I had sent it from a hotmail account, so maybe it got trashed. I resent it tonight too.

    Sorry for the closing it, but I had to. :( At least for now.

    Come back to me! :)

  2. Hmmm, sounds like you had a Little Red Hen day!
