Sunday, November 05, 2006

Politics Makes Strange Bedtime Stories

Going back in time a bit, last Sunday Lone Star Pa and I took advantage of early voting and cast our ballots, with the Lone Star Baby in tow. She was quite interested. Her sister has been discussing the beach access issue with us a good bit and she has noticed.

The Lone Star Baby frequently approaches her sister with an imperious: "Charter Amendment One!", which seems to mean that she wants her sister to expound upon the issue. Her sister tells her that evil hotels want to close the Green Water ( the LSB's name for the beach) and that we have to vote against Charter Amendment One to stop them. Now, the Lone Star Baby likes her Green Water, to be sure, but she doesn't seem fully convinced about this beach access issue. She may just be on the side of the developers...I don't know.

On a somewhat related note, my dad and I actually agree on the beach access issue. Armageddon may be nigh

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