Sunday, November 05, 2006

More Baby Wonders

I know that a lot of people look right down their noses on these kinds of baby book posts and consider them the lowest common denominator in communication among women, but I quite disagree. Motherhood, in all its minutiae, is, in my opinion, a powerful common denominator, not a low one. So here are some amazing things the Lone Star Baby did recently:

When we were talking about her sister's upcoming birthday being on Halloween, she said:
"My birthday is to Daddy's birthday."
Her birthday is the day after her Daddy's birthday - in June. How she remembered the connection, I cannot imagine.

When we were at the grocery store yesterday, on the paper products aisle, the Lone Star Baby pointed at the Charmin (a word we don't use as we buy generic) and clearly said "Charmin". Hmmm...

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