Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The Affordable Care Act Gets Breast Pumps Covered - Starting Today!!!!

In an ever-so-fitting coincidence for the first day of World Breastfeeding Week, today is a day when more provisions of the Affordable Care Act go into effect, including...(drum roll, please)...that health plans have to cover breast pumps!!!

What a wonderful thing for mothers and babies in our country!  It is so hard to keep up your milk supply when you have to work away from your baby and I have known so many mothers who struggle and fail to manage because they are using the kind of inferior breast pump that is all they can afford.  The kind of good breast pump that it takes for most mamas to be able to keep providing their babies the good stuff while they are at work is just too expensive to be in reach for most workers.  

This coverage will improve the health of so many mothers and babies by making it possible for working moms to keep nursing longer.  So exciting!

Just one of the many reasons to love "Obamacare"....

1 comment:

independent midwives said...

Breast pump was released to become really good innovation and shortly was acknowledged to become really good accessory to the lactating mothers. The majority of the mothers liked operate helped them whilst still being it is going to certainly be a really good cause of lactation facilitation.