Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Signs of Spring Walk

I am always inspired by the wonderful way that Andrea of the mama zine Gemini and the blog Remains of The Day incorporates a love of nature into her busy life with her young children. She is an employed mama like myself but still manages to be ever so green and do so many wonderful things with her kids - do not ask me how. After reading a post in which she mentioned the book I Love Dirt!: 52 Activities to Help You and Your Kids Discover the Wonders of Nature by Jennifer Ward, Susie Ghahremain and Richard Louv, I purchased a copy which, like most of my good intentions, has been gathering dust in one of many piles of clutter in my house. Today I took it out and started, however tardily, on the spring section of activities with the Lone Star Baby. I'm sure we'll adapt the activities a little for our own use, but the point is to get out there and notice and experience the seasons more.

We went on a Signs of Spring Walk and the Lone Star Baby drew pictures of all the things we found that are signs of spring in a little notebook. Little marigold and gardenia buds. New blackberries. Light breezes. Soft grass. Baby palm trees and baby mimosa trees. Young flowers and leaves. Spiky and fuzzy mimosa buds and fuzzy mimosa flowers. It was nice and the Lone Star Baby was surprisingly cooperative. She got into it - yay!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hey! Thanks for the plug...South Texas spring is MUCH different than Maine spring--gardenias and mimosas?? Wow!