Friday, August 03, 2007

Toddler Art: Finger-Painting!!!

The Lone Star Baby and I broke out the finger-paints this week! It was fun. I could not find the old plastic smock I used to have for her sister so I just took off her shirt and we painted on the front porch (I am not opposed to shirtless little girls; my brothers hardly ever wore shirts at her age and I don't get the double standard.).

At first, I had squirted dots of finger paint onto a paper plate like a palette so she could take paint from it to use on her big papers, but she preferred rubbing the paint around on the plate to make a picture, so then I just squirted the paints directly onto her papers. She, in squishy glory, painted two big poster papers and the paper plate. Then, we spread the papers out on tables in the backyard, weighted down by little wrenches, to dry. Yesterday, she took two of the paintings to her swim lesson and gave one to her teacher and one to the teacher she had last session. She was very excited to be giving them. My ittle sweetie-pie.


gojirama said...

How sweet!

Jazzy said...

Maybe she come make one for her awesome auntie who will be coming down soon and needs something to hang on her bare dorm room walls