Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tidepool Tuesday

Tuesday was, blessedly, another beach day. When we arrived, we found that the tide was at a very low ebb, which was simply wonderful. There is nothing more fascinating than tidepools! I was thrilled to be able to show the magic of these tiny ecosystems to my girls! They were, predictably, unimpressed, as there is some Daughter Rule that they cannot get excited about things that I think are marvelous. Still. It was great. We took some long walks down the beach to look at all the little tidepools. The Lone Star Baby found several very large pieces of sanddollar and there were lots of fish to watch up close. Lone Star Pa found some other life-forms - a type of shrimp, maybe - to watch as well. It was great fun. The Lone Star Baby had fun in the sand again, and later had some fun in the shallows as well. The Lone Star Girl and I spent a lot of time outfloating peacefully on the very peaceful, billowy almost-waves a bit further out. There were very few breakers so it was serene...serenissima. It was a good day.


Jazzy said...

Sounds like a great day! Wish I could've been there too!

Saints and Spinners said...

I know about that Daughter Rule quite well, and have to keep it low key. That rule seems to extend to children I know, which is why I prefer to do birthday party/shows for kids who don't know me all that well. They're much more appreciative!

gojirama said...

Sounds lovely :)