Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Advent Calendar

We have a wonderful Advent Calendar that is another of our holiday traditions. It is sturdy enough and designed so that it can be used over and over again...I'm sure we've had it for five or six years already. Each day, you take a little cardboard book out of a recessed pocket in the calendar. Each book has a tiny part of the Christmas story printed and illustrated on its tiny pages...one day is about Mary, one about Joseph, one about the Angel Gabriel, etc., until the very last one, on Christmas Eve, is about Baby Jesus. Each little book has a loop of gold thread strung through a hole punched in one corner as well. Each night, the Lone Star Girl takes out the little book for that day and I read it to her and her sister, or she reads it to us, or Lone Star Pa does. Then, the girls hang it on a small "tree" on a little table...an Advent Tree!


Saints and Spinners said...

Oh my goodness. Must... contain... Self from an overabundance of oohing and aahing. How do you stand it? I would just be flipping out over its cunning and deftness. Someday, I'm going to make an Advent calendar that's just as cool!

Lone Star Ma said...

Well, I do think it's cool, but I never thought of it as quite that cool! Not as cool as shoes left out for St. Nicholas or anything!(: