Sunday, July 01, 2012

Texas Republicans Support Corporal Punishment In Schools

From the 2012 Texas Republican Party Platform, another reason why Texas parents should never, ever vote Republican: 

"We recommend that local school boards and classroom teachers be given more authority to deal with disciplinary problems. Corporal punishment is effective and legal in Texas."

They have enshrined child-beating as a recommended practice in their Party Platform?  How much worse can it get?  (Oh, it does get worse.) Corporal punishment in our schools is, unfortunately, legal in Texas, although it has been banned in 31 states across the nation.

Effective?  No.

Despite all the drunk people who like to talk (loudly) about how their parents spanked them with a belt, brush, wooden spoon, willow switch, etc. and they turned out just fine, all the empirical studies done on corporal punishment find that the only thing it seems to be effective in doing is raising someone who is somewhat more likely to engage in violent behavior than are the people who were not subject to corporal punishment.

More violent students?  Not what we need.


  1. I dont have a problem with a teacher hitting my kid for bad behaviour just as long as I get to hit the teacher for my kid getting bad grades.

  2. Personally, I think we all do better with non-violent solutions(:
