Sunday, July 15, 2012

First Day School: George Fox's Big Adventure

Today, we returned to Meeting and First Day School.  If I looked, I bet I would find a whole lot of posts wherein I wrote about how we had been really bad about keeping up with First Day School/Meeting and were going to do better.  To some extent, my lifestyle is overwhelming enough that I really never meet the standards I would like to meet for anything in my life, ever, and I admit that it is easier to let First Day School go now that we are back to just my own kids in the Meeting - I do better when other families are also relying on me.  This past year, particularly, though, there have tough issues that have drained us and I have had to pull back in almost every area of busyness. 

That said, I am ready to be better about First Day School.  I have materials on hand and over a year of lessons planned out - I am ready.

Today's lesson was about George Fox's search for spirituality and what he found.  I used Faith 'N' Play materials for it and followed those with some listening-for-God silent worship practice and art.

The rest of the year (year = school year to me), for my Little Friends/Lower El "class"  will mostly be devoted to Quaker testimonies, then we will head into some Faith and Practice lessons and some lessons in the style of Godly Play that the child was too young for when we took on the parables (Isaiah, the Parables game, etc.).  The Young Friend and I will continue our study of world religions, when she returns form all her summer traveling.


  1. It is good to read about another mother/educator struggling with the religious education thing. We don't have First Day School because our meeting is so teeny weeny, so I've integrated it into their home schooling curriculum. I almost never feel like I'm on top of things. I miss too many meetings and I always feel like I should be doing more. For Quaker-specific stuff, we do the Children's Story Garden and are focusing on the Testimony of Peace.

  2. Cool. I'm going to do a general SPICES sort of overview next Meeting and then go over them all in more depth over the year. Our First Day School is just us now but we used to have a couple of more kids for awhile. Both other families moved three years ago, though. I miss them.
