Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spring Rites

I planted sweet basil today and spread about this spring's first batch of ladybugs.  I set up the spring nature table with a tiny vase of onion flowers and a pink buttercup, a little Saint Patrick's Day craft that one of the children made one spring and some elemental dolls - aether, water, fire, wind, honey-earth and also the ladybug queen - that a friend of mine sewed.

I am waiting for my nice neighbors with a truck to come home so they can follow me to the Lone Star Baby's school with a large kiddie pool - former home to a now reduced guinea pig colony - that I scrubbed out today, in the truck bed.  Then I will set the pool in the grass out back of the school and fill it with potting soil.  Under the patio furniture outside the school's front doors, I'll leave tomato, lettuce, broccoli, cucumber, squash and marigold plants for planting later this week.  Tomorrow, when I drop the Lone Star Baby off at school, I'll bring a container of ladybugs to sleep in their refrigerator until their plants are ready.

Spring, spring, spring....

1 comment:

  1. Flowers and plants and bugs, oh my! We just got some fresh snow, and since we've hardly had any all year, I'll enjoy it while it lasts (but I do feel spring in the air!). Show us a picture of your nature table!
