Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Roads

The Lone Star Baby's new school moved to a yet newer location over the Labor Day weekend - we helped some with moving and setting up the new site.  Her teachers are thrilled about the new, bigger space and it is really nice.  It is also a whole lot further than the old-new location, though.  Lone Star Pa and I have had to experiment some with various commutes there and back, but there is no magic shortcut - it's just far.  We can't complain, though - the school itself is magical - such a wonderful opportunity for her.

My school is losing a couple of teachers due to over-estimating our (still considerable) enrollment increase.  Many schedules will change day after tomorrow and I'll return to sixth grade social studies after having seventh at the beginning of this year.  I like sixth so it is fine for me, but I know it will be an unsettling week for many.  We are just so lucky to work in a district that has fought so hard to hold onto its teachers.

One of our guinea pigs, Pandora, died on Friday.  We buried her in the yard by the mice and the hermit crabs.

The Lone Star Girl has joined a lot of clubs at school, as if she had time for that.  She is enjoying them, though.  She finds Algebra II quite difficult.  Her butterfly stroke, on the other hand, has improved a lot.  A girl who can swim fly is quite an asset.

Lone Star Pa will start coaching Marigold's soccer team again this next week and our Brownie troop will be starting up as well.  I am reading submissions for the new (first online) issue of Lone Star Ma. 

There have been a lot of changes this season, but I have so much for which to be grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...sounds like a whirlwind beginning of the school year. So sorry about Pandora. I used to have a pet guinea pig...she was such a fun pet. Good luck settling into a busy year!
