Sunday, July 03, 2011

Lone Star Ma Magazine Is Online!!!

The new website for the new online version of Lone Star Ma :  The Magazine for Progressive Texas Parenting And Children's Issues is online!  Check it out here!  Please read through our pages and consider submitting content if you want to!


  1. into peace? well, sadly - not so.

    your postal mail to me:
    "these are the children whose lives you are destroying when you sneak around with the father they love and on whom they depend. No matter your intention, that is an insult. Someone who would do what you are doing to these innocent children is no fit parent, something you might want to consider, as others certainly will. Break if off permanently, whatever you think it is"
    one of my emails to your husband:
    "ok...over time, if u read read those 'traped / guilt / desperate / etc.' books, u may change your mind. tom (my x husband, not your husband) said the same things to me...not word for word, but very similar....

    i respect u as a friend, a father, and mostly every thing else. so, i understand. i felt, when tom and i started this long road (to divorce), the exact feelings u just expressed.

    again, i worry, for many reasons - for you and your family / kiddos.

    keep in mind, please try to be consistent w/ all of your family..your co-workers..and your good And, try to keep your head on strait!"
    stop calling me, mailing me, and harassing me Ms. Boone.

    thank you,

  2. another email to your husband:


    I haven't said i told you so, since..geez - ever!
    However, - 'I told you so!'

    sorry - i can be so immature...ok, that's off my chest, i feel much better now...

    i know - issues i have!
    anywho, vent whenever you need to!

    friends always,

  3. Mrs. Boone,

    I have many more posts and emails from your husband, but I sure do wish that both of you would leave me alone. Two shoes make a pair in a marriage - esp. in your case.

    If you contact me again, I will file stalking / harassment charges.

    try to be a better mother, wife, and person. Be honest with yourself and your family.

    If you are just true and sans-bipolar, your children will be better for it.

