Thursday, February 03, 2011

Cold, Cold, Cold

Try to understand, Yankees, that in Corpus, the weather usually hangs out in the seventies and eighties, except in the summer, when it gets hotter.  We all enjoy us some occasional weather in the 50s in the winter and 60s in the fall, but only occasionally.  That's not what we are here for.  

The last time it snowed here was Christmas Eve 2004 (perfect timing) and it was a miracle.  It stuck on the ground and was beautiful in a way that had not happened in these parts in a hundred years.  We all still talk about it regularly.  People publish books of the photos they took and other people buy them.  It was...a big deal.

Lately, we've had a lot of dry nights in the 30s and 40s, which is just wrong.  Then, this week just went crazy starting Tuesday.  Freezing temperatures starting in the afternoon and lasting all night long and all day today and most of all tomorrow.  Like ... twenties!  It's astounding!  Sleet and maybe snow is predicted for this evening through tomorrow morning. 

We are just ill-equipped.

My school and the girls' schools got canceled for today and tomorrow but Lone Star Pa's school was open this morning until noon and is expected to open at 11am tomorrow.  Since he has to drive over the Harbor Bridge to get there, I am not amused, but he made it fine today and is home safe again.

We are all bundled up, I am dripping the faucets, and we are keeping the blankets read for the rolling blackouts.  We are such lucky people to have the resources to deal with this sort of weather.


  1. Brr...make some tea and take lots of pictures to publish and sell when it gets warm again!

  2. I'm a Yankie, and I'm still not used to the insidious chill. I'm sorry that Corpus Christi isn't keeping its part of the bargain!
