Thursday, January 20, 2011

One Of Those Days...

Last night, I accidentally fell asleep in the Lone Star Baby's bed after reading to her and no one woke me up before they went to bed themselves.  Fortunately, I did wake up sometime shortly before 1am to grouchily pack lunches and attend to other minor but necessary tasks.  In the midst of which, I noticed the Lone Star Girl moaning sickly in the bathroom.  Though most evidence pointed to a garden variety stomach bug, her cramps were quite severe, so I was worried.  After tucking her back in shortly before 2am, I told her dad not to wake her for swim practice and crossed my fingers that she would be well for school the next day, the stomach yucks being not that uncommon for her except for the severity of these. 

I climbed into my own bed and tried go to sleep but my mind had gotten started worrying and sleep was not coming, however aware I was of how soon 5:30am would arrive. After about an hour of tossing and turning, I heard a little voice from across the house, which gradually got louder, calling "Someone?"  I called back to the Lone Star Baby, asking what she needed and she said she was afraid that if she went back to sleep, she would have a bad dream.  I told her to come sleep in our bed and she shuffled into our room, snuggled in next to me and we both fell right to sleep.

This morning, the Lone Star Girl was still nauseous and very pale, so I called in sick and took her to the doctor (after dropping the Lone Star Baby at her school and getting things ready for a sub. at mine), still a bit worried about the severity of her cramps.  The doctor, of course, couldn't say for sure what's going on, but thinks it is just a stomach virus, as one which gives teens bad cramps and little ones high fevers is apparently going around (great).

Bought some bland food on the way home and here we are.

I hope she is well enough to go to swim practice tomorrow and the District Meet on Saturday.  I am canceling our Daisy meeting tomorrow night as I will definitely need to play catch up, best case scenario.   

We made it a little over a month without a doctor appointment, anyway.

She is resting and hungry and seems a bit better.


  1. Feel better soon, Lone Star Girl! Isn't it amazing how delicate our life-balance is, and how much it can be disrupted when one piece slips out of order?

  2. Poor Lone Star Girl! And her mom, too. I hope she will be better soon.

    I would be grouchy if I had to pack a lunch at 1 am, too.

  3. Ugh, you poor thing (and LSG too). Hope you at least got some rest on your unexpected day off--sounds like you needed it!

  4. Sending wishes for wellness and happiness your way.

  5. Thank you. Not much rest so far, but we are trucking along.
