Monday, December 06, 2010

Throw Away Your Pixos

I just did.  I believe it was last Christmas (or her birthday, maybe) that I bought the Lone Star Baby a set of Pixos.  We are all about the craft kits, here, in just about every variety - my kids are artistes.  She really enjoyed playing with it. So did her sister.  And her dad.  

But guess what?

My school nurse sent out an e-mail today saying that they had just been warned at a training that the chemical in these toys can kill kids who ingest even a small amount, like by licking it.  She warned us about Pixos, Aquadots and Beados.  

I just threw our set out, but I am quite concerned about all the little Pixo creations that could be hiding all over the house.  Be careful!

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea what a pixo is, but I'm going to look it up now. What on earth is wrong with this world that we make toys out of stuff that can kill kids?
